Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My favorite cookie...with mustard on it!

Today is my dad's 60th birthday. I would like to share with the world why I love him so dang much.

  • He is the hardest working man I know. 
  • He has the BEST sense of humor and loves to laugh.
  • He instilled in me my love for reading. I remember my entire family laying on my parents bed while my father would read to us.  I still hear his voice when I read  In Search of Steenie Bergman.
  • He has ALWAYS ended every phone call, letter, email, text or conversation with I love you, or with our family favorite 8.
  • When I was a little girl he would take me on "Daddy Daughter Dates".  He would usually send me a bouquet of daises with a little note asking me to dinner. My mom would buy me a new outfit usually, a blouse and skirt with sandals (because "Mom, Ladies wear skirts and blouses with sandals"). My mom would fix my hair and I would get to wear lip gloss.  He would ring the doorbell and would whisk me away to the fanciest restaurant around, my choice...McDonald's.
  • He has always given me the best advice when I have had to make the tough decisions. We sat and talked for hours when I was trying to make the decision to serve a mission and again when I was trying to decide if I should get married.  He has never once forced his opinions on me. He always let me know where he stood on an issue, but he has let me make the decision. Succeed or fail has been there jumping for joy or crying along with me.
  • He cries...a lot. He cries at movies, songs, books, the successes and failures his children have. He isn't ashamed. He has taught me that real men cry.
  • He loves my mom and has been married to her for 32 years. It was important to both of my parents that they were married in the Temple setting that example to my brothers, sister and I.  Like all married couples they have had ups and downs, but they have made a decision to stay together and work things out. Showing us to never give up.
  • He has AMAZING taste in jewelry!
  • He honors his Priesthood.  He has always been willing and worthy to give me a fathers blessing.  He has said to his children, "If you need a blessing no matter where you are I will come to you."  In whatever calling he has had in church be it Bishop, Elders Quorum President, Sunday School teacher, or Primary Teacher he listens to the Spirit and magnifies that calling.
  • He prays. I have seen him when he didn't know I was watching.  I know that he has prayed countless hours to our Father in Heaven for me and for my family.
  • He and my mother have given me a voice. I am a very stubborn and independent person. I have never been afraid to tell my parents of the "injustices they have put me through" I have cried, screamed, yelled and stomped my feet. I have said horrible things, and they still love me.  I am not afraid to stand up to myself today (I don't stomp my feet or scream obscenities anymore)
  • He can fix anything!
  • He instilled in me a love for good music. I grew up listening to Billy Joel, Heart, The Eagles and other wonderful artists. 
  • He has the most beautiful voice. I remember sitting around the living room listening to my dad play his guitar.  I find myself singing the song he wrote for me when I was born.
I could go on and on about how special my dad is and what he means to me, but those of you who know him already know. Those that don't, well I don't want to make you jealous.  He is loved my many and I know he has changed countless lives.  He is known to others as Jerry, friend, brother, husband,and grandpa, but he will always and forever be my favorite cookie with mustard on it.


Unknown said...

You are very lucky to have a Dad like him, find you from Taylored tots. I am LDS too :)