Monday, June 21, 2010

I am seeking help...I promise!

OK so you all know how I like order in my life and stuff...well it has followed me to my "blog life" also.  Because I am such an important person and have so much going on BLAH, BLAH, vomit, Clear Throat...
I have created a blog just for my crafting. Yeah if you are keeping up that makes 4.

i carry it in my heart--the life and times of me and my family

Taming the Beast-- my story of recovery  (due to the sensitivity of this blog an invite is required)

Book of Mormon Stories-- My 100 Day Challenge to read the Book of Mormon and other Church goodies

AND MY LAST AND FINAL BLOG (my fingers are crossed)

Salt-- anything crafty I can get my hands on and yummy food I make.

I could probably tie this all into one blog, but were would the stress in that be?  Also not everyone who reads this cares about my crafts or how spiritually amazing I am.  So keep your judgements to yourself please, most of you have families to take care of.  I don't, blogging is my family. Blogging is my husband.  Blogging is my child.  OK super dramatic, but whatever.  I am just happy to be able to create and to get such inspiration from people all over.  Check back now and then, I have so many projects I am working on.

Nesting was my first post on Sel.