Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daddy Daughter Date

Many of you know I live in the house next to my parents...some of you wonder how, why, or is that even possible? It actually works out very nice, I have my space my parents have theirs and we respect each others. There are a few perks IE: my mom loves to do laundry, my dad will take out the trash for me on trash day, no rent, a garden, and dinner invites. With that being said this Saturday I was tinkering around in my room when I heard my backdoor open. Then I heard the water running in the bathroom, so I walked out into the hall to find my father face down in the sink with blood pouring down his face as he says "I think I broke my nose." Me being the calm ER employee look at him and say I don't think your nose is broken, but you are going to need stitches for that lip. Go home and shower, I will meet you there in ten minutes. I got into the shower, got ready at the speed of light and called my mother who was already aware of the situation and was on her way home to access his injury.

He was working in the garden and pushed the trashcan away from him...it slipped and he fell face first in to this

Why yes those are jagged pieces of wood and sharp rusty tomato spikes. He was very lucky to not loose an eye. Something we discussed in detail as I drove him to the hospital. The conversation goes a little something like this:
Dad "It could have been so much worse!"
Me "I know, you could have lost your eye."
Dad "Easily, I was very lucky and blessed."
Me "Yeah you were. You could have lost your eye, and you know how I feel about people who are missing body parts" (as I lean over and pat his leg I say) "God sure was looking out for me."

I thought it was hilarious as did he. He didn't loose an eye, but this is what he ended up with

After four hours in the Emergency Room, one tetanus shot, three magazines, one book Twilight (his not mine, I know right. I told him he shouldn't be embarrassed by falling, but by reading that book.), seven stitches, tons of laughs, a million gauze 4x4's, a few new stories, and no tears this is his badge of honor...

I love you Dad....Your favorite Cookie